Den aller største «trusselen» til å utvikle

høyere visdom og opplysthet,

er ditt ego. 

Forskjellen på vårt Høyere Selv og vårt ego

Higher Self vs. Ego

Our Higher Self always has our best interest at heart but sometimes it’s drowned out by the voice of the ego. The ego is very concerned with material things, success and how others perceive us. But the Higher Self is not interested in any of that.

Your Higher Self wants you to remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. The mistakes you have made were just lessons to get you to where you’re supposed to be. Those mistakes were vital steps and were necessary.

Your Higher Self wants you to remember that the present moment is the only moment you can change. The ego often dwells on the past and what’s happened there. The ego also likes to spend time contemplating what might happen in the future. But, in either of those places you cannot make real change. You need to Move On.

Your Higher Self wants you to remember you have everything you need within you. Learning about yourself and your value is so important to your awareness. You are the only true judge of your self worth.

The ego is very concerned with outward appearances, it looks for validation from outward signs money, success, status and fame. None of these things are a reflection of your true worth. You will never achieve your true purpose if you’re constantly trying to please others.

Your Higher Self wants you to remember to be guided by love not fear. The ego is guided by fear. The ego fears not having enough and not being enough. The only Guide your Higher Self follows is love the highest of frequency. The ego is guided by fear the lowest of frequency.

Your Higher Self wants you to remember that our security lies within acceptance, not control. As humans beings we strive for security this means we like to control life but we really cannot control everything so learning to go with the flow helps us be more accepting instead of controlling. Trust your plan...

An every day struggle within the human being is to think that things should be a certain way instead of just accepting reality as it is. We are not here to judge others, we are here to do the best we can in this lifetime and within this incarnation. Your mission, when you were born, is your individual mission, it’s up to you to fulfill it no one else’s.

Your Higher Self wants you to remember you do not need fixing. You are good enough just as you are. Spiritual growth does not come from improving yourself, it comes from accepting yourself.

When you accept yourself completely unhealthy patterns of thought begin to disappear. When you tune into the guidance of your Higher Self you will remember what your true purpose is...again self awareness is key! When you tune into that awareness around you meaning that communication you’ll be on your way.

Tekst av Teri Wade


Her finner du en oversikt over mestre, stråler, mennesketyper, farger, stener, erkengler og elohimer

Fra et høyere bevissthetsplan.

17 Levels of Consciousness

17 nivåer av Bevissthetsplan

The seven chief features of ego

De syv hovedtrekkene i vårt EGO
(lærerik og innholdsrik artikkel)

The Higher-Self - Awakening Blueprint

Våkne opp fremfor å (fortsette) leve på autopilot!
You Can Be Fully Awake Instead Of
Living On Unconscious Autopilot

Nydelig artikkel av Ben Arion.

Sjelen og sjelens evner. Av Kenneth Sørensen

Sjelen har åndelige evner, som alle mennesker burde strebe etter å utvikle. Emnet er vanskeligt, fordi det er snakk om bevissthetstyper, som kun ganske få mennesker har realisert. (dansk tekst).

Skiftet - DNA aktiveringer, oppgraderinger og oppstigning

DNA activation, upgrade and Ascension...

DNA contains the instructions for a living organism to grow and function. It tells the cells what role they need to play in the body. It gives instructions to make your heart cells beat, for your limbs to form in the right place, your immune system to fight infection and your digestion system to digest your dinner.

DNA carries its instructions in a code made up of a four letter alphabet GAT&C. The sequence of these letters is known as the genetic code. A molecule of DNA resembles a twisted ladder. Each rung of the latter is made up of two DNA letters.

A always binds to T and G binds to C. The binding of the letters causes the whole molecule to coil up into a spiral staircase to form the double helix. 

The Ascension process means the process of returning to 12 strands of DNA in our current human form.

This is Ascension! It’s the process which the human body’s vibration is elevated a little bit at a time until it’s vibrating at the resonance of unconditional love.

During this process the 10 additional DNA strands are being reconnected within the circuitry of the body and the brain. So, as our bodies elevate in vibration and our new DNA is being connected our fear-based patterns and beliefs are being released simultaneously to make room for our, soon to be, higher vibrational existence.

Make sense? 😉

These additional 10 strands are our inter-dimensional strands, now you can see why we have been cut off from them for so long.

Soooo think about this...

We have two biological strands those are those two strands on the outside spiraling up, the inter-dimensional strands are the ones bridging those two biological strands and as you can see in this photo they’ve been cut. So that means those inter-dimensional strands couldn’t talk to our biological strands this is what has been done to us. We have been cut off from all of our inter-dimensional abilities through DNA manipulation, splicing and dicing as I call it.

So basically there are two biological strands with 10 inter-dimensional aspects within them. That’s how we arrive at the 12 strands.

We always hear about the return of the “Christ” what it really means is those that will embody this new genetic code. Which means you will move beyond the limitations of human form.

In moving beyond limitation you also move beyond fear. This means eventually our civilization will move into unconditional love and what a complete different existence that will be.

We are also in the process of uniting the left and right hemispheres of the brain which was the way we were designed to be at the time of our creation! We will gain access to the creativity and abilities of those higher dimensions.

Meaning, all the wisdom and cosmic information which is stored within us. Basically, we are reconnecting with the information that has laid dormant in us for thousands of years.

Written by Teri Wade.

Sjelen og inkarnasjons prosessen

Souls and the incarnation process...

We are all souls but some of you are more in tune with your memories of that eternal life brought on by many incarnations. 

A soul is the real you, your eternal self, your higher self. We’ve all heard the saying before…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are a spiritual being having a human experience.”

People who are approaching the completion of their incarnation cycles are old souls. These old souls have mastered many lessons and are becoming very knowledgeable about the past, present and future of our true existence.

Old souls have a strong intuition, empathy and understanding towards people because they’ve already been there and done that many times. Many old souls are able to connect with their higher self and spirit guides. With this ability they are able to attain incredible insight.

This knowledge is within all of us. This knowledge is stored in our cellular memory, DNA and is brought forward from past lifetimes. Currently many are starting to tap into that cellular memory. We’re recovering memory.

Old souls believe experiences bring more joy then materialistic things. They also enjoy solitude very much it’s kind of like a re-charging. Some people find solitude and being alone scary but old souls find it extremely necessary.

Old souls know very well how important it is to trust your gut, your intuitive instincts. Old souls are very much in touch with the knowledge and information they have accumulated.

As we incarnate we meet with many of the same souls. They could be your brother, sister, aunt, uncle, wife, mother, father etc. But, in each incarnation the souls are under different masks and roles.

The soul goes through a certain physical incarnation because it has some sort of a debt or obligation that needed to be completed. Through incarnation with these souls that we continuously incarnate with gives us the opportunity to free ourselves from a karmic debt so to speak. Everything is planned out there are no coincidences.

Karma is nothing but residual baggage that one needs to take care of brought over from past lifetimes.

If a person in your life fulfills it’s goal they will move away from your life. All people we meet in our lives are teachers and are meant for a particular reason. Some of these people might piss you off or be downright assholes but they are their for a certain reason to help you along in your evolutionary process. These people are their to help you release the poisons you are holding onto.

When meeting these teachers...

First contact is physical on a visual level then that attraction goes to a subconscious level where there are readings of karmic records. Your karmic record and the karmic record of the other person recognizes the essential thing that’s needed to clear that particular debt or obligation. Sooo, this is where the connection is made as we enter that relationship.

Remember, there are no coincidences!

Conflict in relationships are like gold because important things are happening. I know it sucks but these conflicts bring up emotion and emotions are there to make you ask questions so conflict is necessary.

Sometimes we see this friend or partner someone who is trying to hurt us or tick us off. There is a karmic reasoning for this. They are a ripped piece of you and are there to help you heal. As long as relationships are not crystallized at this level we will continue the cycle of incarnation in different lives and different roles.

However, everything will change upon Ascension!

Written by Teri Wade.

Forklaringen om karma, årsak og virkning. ❤

Forklaringen om karma, årsak og virkning. ❤

Sadhguru looks at how the mind is constructed, and at chitta, one aspect of the mind. Once you touch chitta, he says, the yogis say, God becomes your slave.