Her er artikler om helse & traumer & livsmestring & skam

Hvorfor er det så mange voksne i dag som er så preget av traumer?

Why Are So Many Adults Today Haunted by Trauma?

Our political and social systems don't support fundamental human needs, says Gabor Mate—which affects our ability to deal with traumatic events.

Sixty percent of adults report difficult childhood experiences, including drawn-out divorces, violence, and abuse. The effects of trauma are long-lasting, ranging from anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder to physical illness.

But according to Dr. Gabor Mate, focusing solely on the role of family in childhood trauma misses the bigger picture. What if trauma also results from a shortcoming on the part of society to support families in thriving? If society helped informed teachers and parents meet children’s basic human needs for attachment and connection, would we produce fewer traumatized adults? 

Mate focuses much of his therapeutic work on the healing of trauma, exploring the role of adverse childhood experiences in leading to addiction and other suffering later in life. He is the bestselling author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, and his work has garnered international attention and a dedicated following.

We caught up with Mate, who lives in Vancouver, for a conversation at CIIS in San Francisco. Research has discovered what we all need in order to connect and flourish, he argues, but society isn’t putting this knowledge into practice—which puts us all at risk.

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Fremtidsrettet lege - Dr. Gabor Matè

The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power - av Gabor Maté 

En Youtube presentasjon om kraften av avhengighet og avhengighetens kraft.

Canadian physician Gabor Maté is a specialist in terminal illnesses, chemical dependents, and HIV positive patients. Dr. Maté is a renowned author of books and columnist known for his knowledge about attention deficit disorder, stress, chronic illness and parental relations.

His theme at TEDxRio+20 was addiction -- from drugs to power. From the lack of love to the desire to escape oneself, from susceptibility of the being to interior power -- nothing escapes. And he risks a generic and generous prescription: "Find your nature and be nice to yourself." 

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Her er kan du se:

Nye Tidens «medisin»

Dr. Gabor Matè sin egen nettside er fullspekket av artikler, videopresentasjoner med mer. For de som er interessert.

Nettsiden er: www.drgabormate.com/

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    Er depresjon det vi har trodd at det er?..

  • Følelser & smerte

  • Bevissthetsplaner

Forstå dine sår i sjelen - Ny vitenskap

  • (trykk på bildene) Ny vitenskap - Forstå dine sår i sjelen


    Hentet fra boken:

    Franz Ruppert dokumenterer i denne boken sitt arbeid med flergenerasjonelt traumearbeid.

    Han viser hvordan hans egne teorier om traumer og tilknytning kan gi ny innsikt om årsaker til «sår i sjelen». Forfatteren beskriver hvordan traumatiske erfaringer og ubearbeidede følelser kan overføres fra generasjon til generasjon.

    Gjennom bearbeiding blir det mulig å ta styring over eget liv.

    Ruppert mener symptomer er en beskyttelsesmekanisme for å glemme vanskelige, traumatiske hendelser og følelser. Først ved å kombinere traumeteori, tilknytningsteori og flergenerasjonelt traumearbeid finner man årsakene til symptomer, og kan finne varige løsninger.

  • Franz Ruppert

    Institutt for Traumearbeid



  • Ny bok fra Dr Franz Ruppert. Hvordan styrer overgriper-offer-dynamikk livet vårt, og hvordan kan vi bryte ut av den?

    «Foreldre som ikke var ønsket som barn, og som ikke ble beskyttet mot vold, blir vanligvis overgripere overfor sine egne barn. De iscenesetter ubevisst opplevelsene sine på nytt overfor barna. På denne måten kan hele samfunn fanges inn i en traumedynamikk og bruke vold både åpenlyst og i det skjulte »

    Boken tar for seg typiske eksempler fra terapien og viser hvordan man kan bryte ut av den negative spiralen. Hvis vi er ærlige mot oss selv og arbeider med vår egen offer- og overgripertilværelse, kan vi få en ny start.Til tross for en fortid som er preget av psykotraumer kan vi lære å elske oss selv og møte andre mennesker med empati.

    Oppmuntrende eksempler viser hvordan det er mulig å bryte ut av overgriper-offer-dynamikk og få et mest mulig traumefritt samfunn.

    Hentet fra nyhetsbrev fra
    Institutt for Traumearbeid


Traumearbeid (fortsettelse) ❤


Tips: Insitutt for systemoppstilling:

Tore Kval har kjent systemiske oppstillinger siden 1996. Han har fulgt utdannelser og kurs med blandt annet Bert Hellinger og Dr. Ilse Kutchera, og har siden 2003 hatt fokus på Prof. Franz Rupperts teori om spalting av psyken som følge av traumer.

Han har selv ledet kurs og utdanninger i systemoppstilling nasjonalt og internasjonalt siden 2000. Tore er utdannet pust- og samtaleterapeut og har studert psykologi og historie. 


Oppstillinger er for deg som ønsker større klarhet rundt deg selv og dine relasjoner. Dette kan være i forhold til partnere, barn, foreldre eller søsken. Denne metoden kan også belyse hva som er de ubevisste hindringene for at du kan oppnå det du ønsker.

Alle mennesker er født inn i et familiesystem. Skjebnen i dette systemet kan noen ganger sette begrensninger for vår livsutfoldelse. Ved å klarlegge våre innvevninger i familiesystemet kan vi begynne prosessen for å sette oss selv fri.

Vår egen frihet er ikke avhengig av andre medlemmer i vår familie, men vår kjærlighet og lojalitet til opprinnelsesfamilien kan noen ganger gjøre oss ufrie, og ute av stand til å handle og ta valg i eget liv.

Oppstillinger handler om familiehistorien, relasjoner, tilknytning og overførte traumer.

Er dette noe for deg, ta kontakt:


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    Å uttale høyt (i den største overbevisning) en innvokasjon/kommando, kan for de fleste være healende, befriende og eller forløsende. Vi snakker til alle cellene våre, alle bevisst heter og alle kropper. Som èr levende elementer i oss som HELE mennesker. 🧡

Dybde artikkel om TRAUMER

INTRO: (hentet fra artikkelen) 

I Feel Traumatised

Dealing with a traumatic event can be very difficult, as these events can often overwhelm us, and reduce our ability to cope with the stress they cause. Added to this is the longevity of the traumatic responses that, in some cases, can be felt for months, or even years, after the event.

Depending on the type of trauma suffered, you may begin to feel better quite quickly, with only occasional stressful relapses. With severe trauma, though, it is important to recognise how it is affecting your life, and to seek help as soon as you can. If you feel traumatised, this information on trauma may help.

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Nye Tiden - helse

Hva med alle våre negative tanker og følelser...

Fabien Maman, musiker, komponist, akupunktør og lydhealer sier:

«Når vi tenker en negativ tanke eller føler en negativ følelse, skyter vi 12 volt inn i vårt energifelt. Negative tanker lander i vår mentale subtile kropp.

Tunge følelser lander i vår astrale (emosjonelle) subtile felt. Hvis vi er besatt av våre negative tanker eller følelser, kan vi sende et sjokk av elektrisitet i vårt felt hvert tredje minutt! Det blir mye strøm over mange år!

Negative mønstre skaper et overskudd av denne tettheten på energiområdet. I sitt energiarbeid sier han, kan vi skanne noens subtile felt og "lese" disse tvangstankene. Disse stedene i feltet føles klissete som lim eller varmt i vår hånd.

Til slutt, om dette ikke fjernes, (dette "hot spot" i feltet), krystalliseres det og blir ekstremt tett, forårsaker en energi stagnasjon og blokkering. Folk bære negativ energi ubevisst rundt og med seg i årevis. De innser ikke hvor *tunge* tanker kan være. Det er som å bære rundt en ekstra 22 kilos søppelpose på hodet eller på ryggen (uansett hvor dette er manifestert).

Hvis dette ikke fjernes, vil den negative energien til slutt trenge inn i et svakt chakra, så inn i en akupunktur meridian, og til sist et organ, der, personen til syvende og sist føler en fysisk sykdom.

Det kan ta 30 år med besettelse å manifestere dette på cellenivå!».

Sjekk dine mange BIORYTMER

Her kan du sjekke dine egne biorytmer: (dansk nettside)

Nye Tiden - helse

Bli fri - Veien ut av skammen- PDF

En fin artikkel om veien ut av skammen, skrevet av Heine Kolltveit.

BrainwavemodelBevolutionDK PDF

Frekvensbeskrivelse fra det laveste til det farlige høye

Who am I in a traumatised-Society - FRANZ RUPPERT PDF

Hvem er jeg i et traumatisert samfunn?
Lærerik og innholdsrik artikkel av Franz Ruppert. 💛

THE CAUSE OF ILLNESS explained by Hans Wilhelm

Sometimes the cause of an illness can be found in a past life.

For more videos go to www.LIFEexplained.com

Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic of Misinformed Doctors”


  • The Facts:

    Dr. Asseem Malhotra, a well-known Doctor in Britain had some choice words to say in front of the European Parliment about modern-day medical education and overall knowledge doctors possess. He's one of many who continues to emerge and speak out.

  • Reflect On:

    Why do doctors continue to learn nothing about nutrition? It seems they are trained to prescribe medicine and do not question what they are prescribing. They risk losing their jobs by speaking out and educating themselves.

Dr. Asseem Malhotra is known as one of the most influential cardiologists in Britain and a world-leading expert in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Currently, he is leading a huge campaign against excess sugar consumption.

What also makes him unique is something he recently admitted took him decades to figure out: that our entire medical system, one of the main ‘protectors’ of the human race, is completely corrupt. He now believes that medical education is a state of “complete system failure,” causing “an epidemic of misinformed doctors.” 

He also stated that honest doctors can no longer practice honest medicine, and that there is also a growing epidemic of patients who are being harmed.


The Need To Think For Ourselves

We all have to realize that society has been manufactured in a way where we simply give up our own mind to someone else, who has been given theirs by someone else. We lack the ability to think for ourselves because, from birth, we are programmed to think a certain way by somebody else.

This is something important for us to change, and by ‘us’ I not only mean patients; it should be a priority for all who practice medicine. And there are signs that it has started changing. Why? Because there is a shift in consciousness taking place. People within all societal systems (health, financial, education, government, etc.) are waking up, and starting to investigate what they have been taught. Rather than simply believing the promotional literature, more are pursuing self-education (which Dr. Malhotra stressed was the only real form of education).

Malhotra pointed out seven ‘sins’ that contribute to the lack of knowledge that not just doctors but everyone has, including patients, regarding modern day ‘medicine.’ He made these comments at a recent European Parliament meeting.



 Other Prominent Doctors Speak Out

He’s not the only one to speak up about this issue. In fact, it seems that those who represent doctors have been speaking out about this for a long time. Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), considered one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, has said that,

Then there is Dr. Richard Horton, the current Editor-in-Chief of another prestigious peer-reviewed medical journal, The Lancet, who says, “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.” (source)

There are many examples of statements and documented evidence to choose from, which is why doctors like Malhotra are speaking out. You can watch his full talk below the tweet from November 21st, 2017.

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Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!

Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”!

The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum. They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers.

Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light. They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated.

Even more exciting, they claim that if there is an optical communication happening, the Biophotons our brains produce might be affected by quantum entanglement, meaning there can be a strong link between these photons, our consciousness and possibly what many cultures and religions refer to as Spirit.

In a couple of experiments scientist discovered that rat brains can pass just one biophoton per neuron a minute, but human brains could convey more than a billion biophotons per second.

This raises the question, could it be possible that the more light one can produce and communicate between neurons, the more conscious they are?

If there is any correlation between biophotons, light, and consciousness it can have strong implications that there is more to light than we are aware of.

Just think for a moment. Many texts and religions dating way back, since the dawn of human civilization have reported of saints, ascended beings and enlightened individuals having shining circles around their heads.

From Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, among many other religions, sacred individuals were depicted with a shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads.

If they were as enlightened as they are described maybe this shining circle was just a result of the higher consciousness they operated with, hence a higher frequency and production of biophotons.

Maybe these individuals produced higher level of biophotons with stronger instensity because of their enlightenment, if there is any correlation between biophotons and consciousness.

Even the word enLIGHTenment suggests that this higher consciousness has something to do with light.

But one of the most exciting implications the discovery that our brains can produce light gives, is that maybe our consciousness and spirit are not contained within our bodies. This implication is completely overlooked by scientists.

Quantum entanglement says that 2 entangled photons react if one of the photons is affected no matter where the other photon is in The Universe without any delay.

Maybe there is a world that exists within light, and no matter where you are in The Universe photons can act as portals that enable communication between these 2 worlds. Maybe our spirit and consciousness communicate with our bodies through these biophotons. And the more light we produce the more we awaken and embody the wholeness of our consciousness.



This can explain the phenomenon of why the state of a photon is affected simply by consciously observing it, as it is proven in many quantum experiments.

Maybe our observation communicates something through our biophotons with the photon that is being observed, in a similar fashion as quantum entanglement, like light is just one unified substance that is scattered throughout our Universe and affected through each light particle.

Of course, nothing of this is even close to being a theory. But asking questions and shooting such metaphysical hypothesis might lead us closer to the truth and understanding of what consciousness is, where it comes from, and what are the mysteries that hide within light.

Artikkel henvisning: (åpnes i nytt vindu)

Nye Tidens helse

The effect of love in education for the new generation

The effect of love in education for the new generation

Inspiration for implementing tools for higher achievements and more happiness in the classroom.