De Nye Veiviserne - Den Nye Tiden
If this resonates...where some are just awakening, many are awakened and at individual stages...
It is shared as a guide to navigate ‘energies’ within 3D, navigate energies within the Ascension Realm of 4D spirituality, and assists discernment of any internal or external channeling or internal guidance you experience for yourself, received within you or from others outside of you.
Discernment, we learn whilst in the 4D Ascension Dimension. We learn the ‘hard’ way, the only way for human at that stage, by getting burnt to make us look, think, learn, discern, then make another choice about OUR SELVES.
But at 5D, reading energy just is. It’s easy, where discernment becomes JUST the reading of ALL energy (Hz) without judgement of it. Energy just is, multiple frequencies in motion.
So this post is to assist in the reading of energy of our own energetic self and Self, and the energy outside of us:
At 5D consciousness frequency and above, there is no ‘asking’ of another. The is the giving to all others. There are no stipulations imposed. There is no ‘telling another what to do’. There is no bartering (eg. If you do this, I will give you that. Or, if you do this, we will give you that’).
There is no leader. There is no one individual in charge of you. No one above you. There is no ordering you. There is no pushing you (which is anti-flow).
There are no 3D and 4D man-made Laws or rules of the 3D/4D mental mind creation. There is no ego within you or within another in 5D. There is no elite, or elite club as there is no separation, it’s all ONE. There is no adherence to a human’s self created demands, human man-made rules or mind criteria. There is zero fear frequency in all NOW moments. There is no over-powering, no over-bearing... blatantly or by the more subtle means known as masking.
When we arrive in 5D, all have embody ONENESS on arrival. Because everyone in 5D is ONENESS, UNITY, LOVE, there is just the infinite expression of each individual facet, that aligns to One.
There is co-creation from each individual expression. Where certain facets align to co-create for the WHOLE. Where each existing together in a 5D (and above) frequency, view and feel everyone else are, as equal. Different expressions and abilities, different co-creations, different alliances...all equal.
We don’t all work together physically, yet we DO, in an over-residing Consciousness, all together as ONE UNIFIED field (similar to how bees live and work).
Divine ENERGETIC LAWS also govern 5D. They are different to the hidden divine energetic Laws that govern, unseen, the 3D and 4D fields. Because all in 5D become fully operational and fully influenced by the SEEN and KNOWN 5D energetic Laws of that 5D Light field, there isn’t ANY needs or desires (ego) to have power over another, impose rules over another, or attempt to enforce stipulations over another.
There is, the energetic law that is so so prevalent and known:
BEINGS, of many types, align in frequency to co-create with one another, within the in-built consciousness of UNITY. There is just flow. There is just Love. There is just equalness, honour, respect, seeing...all in-built as a way of being in all moments. Where each being is all allowing, of all others. Co-creation with others works via magnetic frequency alignment. It is effortless. It is play and celebration.
4D, provides the field and thus experiences, to dissolve the 3D CRYSTALine Light Programme we agreed to adopt for a certain experience.
I hope this data serves as assistance in discernment within the 3D unawakened, and 4D awakened fields of Light, thus an ability can be learn of energy frequencies within and without. Make individual, self empowered choice.
You’re power is within YOU. As within, so without. You create (via magnetics) every ‘reality’ YOU experience.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
15. March 2019
(Ps. Du kan følge Amanda Lorence på Facebook).
The Greatest Need of the Hour for 2019
The Greatest Need of the Hour for 2019
Patricia Cota-Robles
March 16, 2019
During the past several years, Lightworkers around the world and the Company of Heaven have worked in unison to cocreate shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness within the masses of Humanity. According to the Company of Heaven, these monumental shifts have succeeded beyond anything that has ever been attempted in the evolutionary process of the Sons and Daughters of God. These shifts have literally catapulted the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her up the Spiral of Evolution in ways that surpassed even the greatest expectations of Heaven.
Our Ascended Sisters and Brothers, who are assisting us from the Realms of Illumined Truth, are revealing that this year the Earth is moving into uncharted frequencies of Light which will, mercifully, help Humanity to transcend our limitations from the past. These Messengers of God are coming forth to volunteer their assistance in previously unknown ways during this essential Cosmic endeavor on behalf of the masses of Humanity.
Our God Parents have revealed that activating Humanity’s 12 Solar Strands of DNA is by far the most powerful thing we can do in order to raise the consciousness of the masses, so that they will remember that they are One with ALL Life. Just imagine what a different world this will be when every person consciously KNOWS that they are One with all Life and that anything they do to harm another person, place or thing for personal gain will wreak havoc in their own life.
The original 12 Solar Strands of Humanity’s DNA became dormant aeons ago when we fell into the abyss of separation and duality and lost the awareness of our I AM Presence. During that fateful time, our Crown Chakra of Enlightenment closed. This caused us to lose Christ Consciousness which is the Enlightened state of consciousness our Father-Mother God invested us with when we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation.
The Divine Purpose of our 12 Strands of DNA was to keep the Sons and Daughters of God consciously connected to our I AM Presence and the Realms of Illumined Truth during our Earthly sojourns. Originally, our 12 Strands of DNA functioned like a very elaborate fiber-optic communication system that enabled us to communicate with our I AM Presence and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.
Even with all that our scientists have discovered about our DNA and the genome in the double-helix DNA they have access to, some still profess that 98% of our DNA is “junk DNA.” Of course, there is no such thing as “junk DNA” there is only DNA that our scientists have not been able to identify or categorize with their current methods because that DNA is dormant.
For decades we believed that our DNA was stagnant and fixed in a particular pattern. Now we know that our DNA is a shimmering waveform configuration that is being modified by a greatly amplified influx of our Father-Mother God’s Light. Our DNA is also being modified by waves of solar radiation, magnetic fields and sonic impulses as well as thought forms and emotions that are associated with the shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness taking place within the hearts and minds of awakening Humanity.
Now, because of the need of the hour, in 2019 you and I and the rest of awakening Humanity are being given an unprecedented opportunity. Our Father-Mother God are asking us to cocreate with the Company of Heaven an activity of Light that will assist the I AM Presence within the masses of Humanity to reactivate the original Divine Potential within our 12 Solar Strands of DNA.
The goal of this facet of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Plan is for awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven to prepare every man, woman and child on Earth at a cellular level to safely receive the frequency of Light that will be necessary to reactivate every person’s 12 Solar Strands of DNA. The critical mass of Divine Light that will allow Humanity to reach that unstoppable shift is destined to bathe the Earth during a global gathering which will take place on the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence in August 2019.
Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do.
Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU. For this vitally important facet of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Plan we are being asked to gather within the Portal of Light in Tucson, Arizona, which reverberates with the most powerful frequencies of the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation and the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love.
Listen to your heart and you will know that it is imperative for Lightworkers around the world to be physically present for this facet of God’s unfolding Divine Plan. Together we will form the transformer that will allow the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to receive the intensified frequencies of Light that will reactivate the dormant Divine Potential within Humanity’s 12 Solar Strands of DNA.
All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this powerful way on behalf of the masses of Humanity will know who they are through the inner promptings of their Heart Flame. So listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is needed now!
In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from their points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. This will exponentially expand our unified efforts.
Please do not miss the Early Bird Discounts
- $150.00 discount for those registered by April 10, 2019
- $100.00 discount for those registered by May 10, 2019
- $50.00 discount for those registered by June 10, 2019
- After June 10, 2019, registration will be full price.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Era of Peace
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
© 2019 Patricia Cota-Robles